a) Journal Articles, Book Series, Reports, and selected Working Papers
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2018) Mastering system change. Stanford Social Innovation Review 16 (4), 35-41.
- Mair, J., Wolf, M., Seelos, Ch. (2016) Scaffolding: A process of transforming patterns of inequality in small-scale societies. Academy of Management Journal, 59 (6), 2021-2044.Paper nominated as top article of 2016 by the Academy of Management Journal.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2016) When innovation goes wrong. Stanford Social Innovation Review 14 (4), 27-33.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2014) Organizational closure competencies and scaling: A realist approach to theorizing social enterprise. in: Ketchen, D., Bergh, D. (eds.) Social Entrepreneurship and Research Methods (Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Volume 9) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.147 – 187.
- Seelos, Ch. (2014) Theorizing and strategizing with models. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 6 (1), 6-21.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair. J. (2013) Innovate and scale: A tough balancing act. Stanford Social Innovation Review 11 (3), 12-14.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair. J. (2012) What determines the capacity for continuous innovation in social sector organizations? PACS Report to the Rockefeller Foundation.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair. J. (2012) Organizational capacity for continuous innovation – outline of a research agenda. PACS Report to the Rockefeller Foundation.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2011) Organizational mechanisms of inclusive growth: A critical realist perspective on scaling. PACS Working Paper DI-0840-E (submitted).
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J., Battilana, J., Dacin, M.T, (2011) The embeddedness of social entrepreneurship: Understanding variation across geographic communities. In: Lounsbury, M. (ed.) Research in the Sociology of Organizations 33, 333-363.
- Seelos, Ch. (2009) Waste Concern: A multi-stakeholder business model creating an urban-rural symbiosis. IBWE Working Paper 05/2009.
- Seelos, Ch. (2008) The unfinished business of economic development. Wanted: New Solutions. ICFAI Effective Executive (November), 32-35.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2007) Profitable business models and market creation in the context of deep poverty: A Strategic View. Academy of Management Perspectives 21, 49-63.Paper won two international awards:
- Best Paper for Practitioner Implications Award 2007 of the Strategic Management Society.
- International Finance Corporation(IFC)/Financial Times (FT) 2008 Gold Price out of 750 submissions of the „private sector development“ essay competition.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2006) Sustainable development. How social entrepreneurs make it happen. IESE Working Paper.
- Mair, J., Seelos, Ch. (2006) Digital Democracy. European Business Forum 26, 59-61.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2006) Social Entrepreneurs – The contribution of individual entrepreneurs to sustainable development. The ICFAI Journal for Entrepreneurship Development (March), 30-46.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2006) A strategic view on profitable business models and market creation in the context of deep poverty. IESE Working Paper.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2005) Social Entrepreneurship: Creating New Business Models to Serve the Poor. Business Horizons 48, 247-252.
Paper consistently ranked amongst “25 Hottest Articles” by Science Direct for this journal. - Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2005) Sustainable development, sustainable profits. European Business Forum 20, 49-53.
- Mair, J., Seelos, Ch., Borwankar, A. (2004) Social entrepreneurial initiatives within the sustainable development landscape. International Review of Entrepreneurship 2, 431-452.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2004) Social entrepreneurship. The contribution of individual entrepreneurs to sustainable development. IESE Working paper.
- Seelos, Ch. (1999) Lessons from Iraq on bioweapons. Nature 398, 187-188.
b) Books and Book Chapters
- Battilana, J., Butler, B., Kimsey, M., Mair, J., Marquis, C. and Seelos, C. (2019) Problem, Person and Pathway: A Framework for Social Innovators. in: George, G., Baker, T., Tracey, P. and Joshi, H. (eds.) Handbook of Inclusive Innovation: The Role of Organizations, Markets and Communities in Social Innovation, Edward Elgar, 61-74.
- Seelos, C. and Mair, J. (2019) Innovation in Social Enterprises: Specifying Pathways for Impact. in: Freedman, E., Jamali, D., Laasch, O. and Suddaby, R. (eds.) Research Handbook of Responsible Management, Edward Elgar (forthcoming).
- Radeke J., Mair J., Seelos C. (2019) Waste Concern: Fixing Market Failures. In: Lenssen G., Smith N. (eds) Managing Sustainable Business. Springer: Dordrecht, 561-578.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2017) Innovation and Scaling for Impact: How Effective Social Enterprises Do It. Stanford University Press, Stanford.Recipient of the Terry McAdam Book Award 2017 for “the most inspirational and useful new book contributing to nonprofit management”
Recipient of the 2018 Academy of Management ONE award for “best book 2015-2017 on organizations and the natural environment”
- Seelos, Ch. (2009) New Models for the Future, in Managing in a Downturn: Leading Business Thinkers on How to Grow When Markets Don’t, FT Prentice Hall, 133-137.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2009) Hope for Sustainable Development: How Social Entrepreneurs Make it Happen, in Ziegler, R. (ed.) An Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship: Voices, Preconditions and Contexts, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 228-245.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2007) How social entrepreneurs enable human, social, and economic development, in Rangan, V., Quelch, J., Herrero, G., and Barton, B. (eds.) Business Solutions for the Global Poor: Creating Social and Economic Value, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 271-278.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2006) The Sekem Initiative, in Improving Management. A Selection of the best Cases from IESE Business School (IESE), 269-297.
- Mair, J., Seelos, Ch. (2006) The Sekem Initiative: a holistic vision to develop people, in Perrini (ed.) New Social Entrepreneurship: What awaits social entrepreneurship ventures? Edgar Elgar: Cheltenham, 210-223.
- Seelos, Ch., Ganly, K., Mair, J. (2006) Social entrepreneurs directly contribute to global development goals, in Mair, J., Robinson, J., and Hockerts, K. (eds.) Social Entrepreneurship, Palgrave Macmillan.
c) Case Studies
- Varley, P., Seelos, Ch. (2018) Transforming Desert Land & Human Potential: Egypt’s ‘SEKEM’ Initiative Reaches a Crossroads. Harvard Kennedy School.
- Coudenhove-Kalergi, B., Seelos, Ch. (2012) International Strategy: EVN in Bulgaria (C) – Making it work… . Stanford PACS.
- Coudenhove-Kalergi, B., Seelos, Ch. (2012) International Strategy: EVN in Bulgaria (B) – Engaging the Roma Community. Stanford PACS.
- Seelos, Ch. (2011) International Strategy: EVN in Bulgaria – Eastern Phantasy Meets Eastern Reality. Case study. IESE Business School.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2007) Sekem – Liberating a Vision. An Artistic Approach to Entrepreneurship. Case study. IESE Business School.
- Thurner, C., Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2006) Wasteconcern. IESE Study 33.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2006) BRAC: An enabling structure for social and economic development. IESE Study 34.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2004) Sekem – holistic development in the economic, cultural, and social spheres. Case study. IESE Business School.
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2003) Entropy International – Enabling businesses to make a contribution to sustainable development. Case study. IESE Business School.
d) Selected Newspaper and Online Articles
- Seelos, Ch., Mair, J. (2013) The Role of Research in Social Innovation Are research and practice two coins or two sides of the same coin? Stanford Social Innovation Review
- Seelos, Ch. (2009) Managing in a downturn: New models for the future. Financial Times, Feb 13.
- Seelos, Ch. (2008) Company lessons in reaching the world’s poorest*. Financial Times, March 17 (*winning article of an essay competition sponsored by the Financial Times and the International Finance Corporation on the private sector’s role in development).
- Seelos, Ch. (2005) Social Entrepreneurs. Wirtschaftsblatt/CorporAID (October), 52.
- Seelos, Ch. (2004) Strategisches Soziales Engagement. Wirtschaftsblatt/CorporAID 3-1, 70.
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